Happy Valentines Day!!
First thing I want to talk about is, I cant believe that Jerry and Phil left the Jazz. Why in the world would Phil leave too? Whats going to happen to the Jazz now?
My week was pretty good one. Nothing like super special happened, but we just worked really well. This area is, yet again, the hardest area in the city I happened to be in. That is what every single person has told me, but we are working really hard and I do believe that we are going to change that saying around. We have a couple of really good investigators. I believe that I told you about Daiane, who wants all the attention. Well, we stopped giving it to her and focused on her two aunts. They are progressing a lot more than she is now and have a ton of interest in the gospel. Its going so well and it makes me happy to see them progress so much. This ward is the smallest of all the places i've been, the attendance rate is 55 and yes, it's a tad bit poorer than my last area. The members still feed us, but it's a lot of the same members during the month. Every thursday we go and get Chinese food, because there is a member who owns a Chinese restaurant and they feed us every thursday. Its so freaking good!
Elder Moake and I get along way good. We look kinda funny walking together and it's not just because of the height difference. We are always laughing and having fun, but at the same time always working hard. This week I learned something that I always forget about here in the mission, we need to focus on everybody in the house and not just the one that we think is progressing more. Our attention wanter Daiane told us that she doesn't want to be baptized so we focused on her aunts. Now, they are thinking a lot about baptism and it's just such a good thing. Another spiritual story this week, We went to this kids b-day party in the ward and he had some family there who weren't members. His mom asked us to give a message and I thought what should talk about. That day me and Elder Moake didn't bring our bibles with us. So, I was looking through the Book of Mormon, when Ether 12:27 came to my mind. I read it and after reading it one of the family members told me thank you for reading that for me I needed that a lot right now in my life. It was a very cool experince.
Funny story now! Coming home from that same birthday party, we grabbed the bus that normally goes close to our house. As we start going home it takes a turn that well, wasn't in the direction of our house. We ended up taking a 1 hour bus ride that only got us to a point that was still a 20 min walk to our house, haha. We felt really stupid when the bus driver asked us when we planned on getting off.
I can't believe that you guys got to eat dinner with Al Jefferson. What did you guys talk about with him? Where did you go to eat? Who all got to go with you?
I love you all so so much and I really liked that Stockton story.
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