Sorry Mom, I know I am not a good person at writing letters. Just wait until you read my journal... haha, it's exactly the same way. You know that I am not a talkative person and because of this I don't give very many details. I know this, OK and it probably isn't going to change. Everything here is good for me. When I first got here, our washing machine didn't work. (But a nice member washed my garments for me.) Sister Tavares got us a new one and we got it this week, so I have clean clothes again. We are in a branch here, which is different because it is very small. The members don't feed us as often, they will usually just give us money. We will either buy bread, turkey and cheese for sandwiches or we go to a place that for 5 reais you can get a plate of rice, beans and some type of meat. I still don't like the milk here. I pretty much don't drink it unless I have some chocolate powder to make chocolate milk with, then it makes it OK. We hardly ever cook. I think the only things I have made are macaroni and cheese and one of my comps wanted me to make him french toast. I think right now I am losing weight again, I am trying to stay around 175 lbs. The shower system in our apartment is pretty good. It pretty much just electrocutes the water to make it hot. I haven't suffered a shock since my first area, so that is good.
I like my companion a ton. He is cool because he acts like I am the senior, he lets me take control of the lessons when we teach. He treats me like his equal and not like he always has to be in charge.
I, also, live with Elder Miller from Houston, TX. He has been out 1 yr. and 6 mo., he was the secretary when I got to Brazil. And Elder Ghormley from Mesa, AZ., He has been out 1 year. They are both cool, sometimes elder Ghormley is a little full of himself, but it's all good. Last Pday was super fun. for the first time on my mission I got to go bowling!! It was just a great experience. And on Friday we played soccer with the branch. Everyone was laughing at how bad I sucked. But my team stayed in the longest, so I didn't care, haha.
I told you about Antonio, the 15 year old we have been teaching. Things were going great, but since Saturday he has been avoiding us. It is really hard for us, he was progressing way good and now we've got nothing. I don't know what happened with him. We are teaching two guys who are twins, Luca and Marcelo. They have been coming to play soccer at the church for like 5 years but never came to a Sunday meeting until recently. I taught them for the first time yesterday, it was way cool and super spiritual. One of the investigators Elder Almieda started teaching before I got here, told us he is ready to be baptized. So we should be having a baptism on Saturday if everything goes good. My branch is way cool and super helpful and they love doing visits with us. They are great.
Thank you for everything, I love you all so much!! Oh, and I heard I have two packages at the mission office!
***I love that Colton's letters sound like he is thinking in Portuguese and translating to English.